Rathfern Primary



At Rathfern, we believe that every pupil, regardless of gender, race or disability, has a right to equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum. UNCRC Article 2 (Non-discrimination)

We consider it essential that the curriculum is presented in a supportive and stimulating atmosphere, which values each child and encourages them to achieve their full potential.

This encompasses the four main areas of SEND.

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory and/or physical

If you have any concerns about your child or children, please talk initially to your child’s class teacher or make an appointment to speak to Ms Alamir, our school Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCo).

Meet our inclusion team

SEND Report

You can download a copy of Rathfern Primary School’s SEND Report below:

SEND information report

SEND Support & advice for parents & carers

Department for Education

The Department for Education has created a useful factsheet for parents and carers about children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

DFE SEND factsheet

Rathfern's accessibility plan

Accessibility Plan

Rathfern Primary School’s Local Offer

At Rathfern School we passionately believe in the inclusion of all pupils. We address all barriers to learning through early identification and targeted interventions.

We have a partnership approach and work with parents and pupils to ensure all our children’s learning needs are identified with specific assessment, targeted and specialised support and regular reviews of progress.


Our innovative commitment and promotion of meta-cognition aims to equips all learners with the learning aptitudes which will enable them to take responsibility for their learning and develop the intrinsic motivation to tackle learning challenges with increasing confidence.

This is a whole school approach which all staff and children continue to develop a deeper understanding of.

Speech and Language needs

  • A language rich learning environment
  • Adults modelling high quality language in class and across the school In school Speech and language therapist one day a week Assessment and intervention by a speech and language therapist
  • Provision of small group speaking and listening skills support by a Lead Teaching Assistant who has been specifically trained in the delivery of this intervention by our school based Speech and Language Therapist
  • Memory building groups to enable children to gain strategies to recall information
  • The use of visual prompts, symbols and signs including PECs to assist communication Outreach support via Autistic Spectrum Disorder outreach team based at Drumbeat
  • school
  • Individual learning stations & screens used as needed Personalised social stories
  • Priority is given to the continuous assessment of language from Nursery through to Year 6

Social, emotional and behavioural needs

  • Core values across the school to promote community cohesion and positive, caring and supportive relationships across the school community
  • In class circle time
  • Lunchtime support for vulnerable pupils (named adult for support) Peer buddies during lunchtime and playtimes
  • Circle of friends
  • Talk partners developed and promoted from the Nursery throughout the school School council
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Educational Psychology advisor and support via Local Authority
  • Outreach support via Autistic Spectrum Disorder outreach team based at Drumbeat school
  • Outreach behaviour support via New Woodlands School Personalised behaviour support programme
  • School Family liaison support- a wide range of drop in sessions to encourage and support positive parenting
  • Target Family Support referrals and guidance CAMHS specialist support via NHS

Cognitive development needs

  • A commitment to challenge fixed views of intelligence Quality First Teaching
  • Highly effective use of questioning to identify misconceptions and extend thinking Differentiated learning to scaffold and extend learning-challenging all learners High quality concrete materials
  • Precision teaching
  • Memory building groups to enable children to gain strategies to recall information Specific Learning Difficulties Outreach advisor support and assessment.
  • Educational Psychology advisor and support via Local Authority Targeted extension groups to ensure children are challenged Dyslexia friendly strategies
  • ICT and assistive technology
  • Diagnostic tools used to assess and support barriers to learning Personalised arrangements for SATs and transition.

Physical needs

  • Access to strategies/programmes to support occupational/physiotherapy needs
  • Fine motor and Gross motor small group support by trained Lead Teaching Assistant Support from the National Handwriting Association
  • Pupils identified with specific physical needs are supported through use of specialized equipment, peer sensitivity and adult support

Medical needs

  • Weekly update sessions between SENCo and school nurse.
  • Initial meetings with school nurse and parents of children with medical issues to establish child’s needs in school and, where appropriate, draw up care plans.
  • Staff training in the administration of support and/or medication for conditions including epilepsy, diabetes and anaphylaxis shock.
  • Liaison with medical professionals, eg. GPs, hospital consultants and mental health practitioners, providing ongoing treatment to children in the school.
  • Posters with photographs of child and detailing the child’s condition and, where relevant, required medication displayed in staffroom, teachers planning folders and the school kitchen.
  • Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs. Implementation of risk assessments.
  • All support staff trained in First Aid

Numeracy barriers

  • A commitment to challenge fixed views of intelligence Quality First Teaching
  • Highly effective use of questioning to identify misconceptions and extend thinking Differentiated learning to scaffold and extend learning-challenging all learners High quality concrete materials to promote a wider range of models and images Precision Teaching
  • Small group support by Lead Teaching Assistant trained by a Numicon expert Power of 2
  • An investigative approach to developing mathematical thinking

Literacy Barriers

  • A commitment to challenge fixed views of intelligence
  • Quality First Teaching which relentlessly aims to engage and inspire pupils learning motivation
  • A passionate commitment to develop the love of stories
  • Differentiated learning to scaffold and extend learning-challenging all learners High quality concrete materials
  • Precision teaching FFT
  • Small group phonic support
  • 1:1 reading alongside reading intervention programmes
  • Sounds Write Programme

Access to a safe environment

  • School follows safeguarding procedures
  • High quality relationships based on trust encouraging all pupils to be able to share any concerns or fears
  • Safe guarding policy reviewed and updated annually E-safety policy reviewed and updated annually
  • Safe guarding procedures in place
  • All staff have up to date Safeguarding training New staff induction including safeguarding
  • Governors regularly involved in all aspects of safeguarding High ratio of engaged lunchtime supervisors
  • Lunchtime Lead Supervisor coordinates and meets with CP Designated Teacher Regular training for all lunchtime staff led by Deputy Head and Inclusion Lead Lunchtime support for vulnerable pupils (named adult for support)
  • School council regularly consult peers regarding issues of safety Termly pupil and parent questionnaire evaluated and actions identified

Ensuring all parents are welcomed

  • Parent Liaison
  • Nurturing caring relationships between all member of the school community Proactive approach to address bullying
  • Head Teacher’s drop in-(open door policy where possible) SENCO drop in
  • Friends of Rathfern, an inclusive representation of the school community Parent groups and workshops run by Family Liaison
  • Themed events throughout the school year (see website) Termly coffee mornings to share planned learning
  • Termly Class assemblies
  • Termly Target setting evenings to share progress and learning targets Open days for new parents (prospective parents)
  • End of Year Reports
  • Website
  • Fortnightly newsletter emails and texting

Lewisham’s Local Offer

This website page outlines the many services that are available in Lewisham for families of children with SEND.

What's Happening
