Rathfern Primary

Assemblies and Rathfern Proem


At Rathfern, we have written a school proem – part prayer, part poem – which we recite at the end of every assembly.


Through our Assemblies we celebrate the diversity of our school and learn about how are our rights are universal, inalienable and indivisible. 


We learn about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) and the local, national and global actions we can take to work towards the goals for all people of our planet.

Our proem expresses what we stand for.

This is our school
Let peace live here,
Let the rooms be full of happiness,
Let the love be all around,
Love of one another,
Love of all people and love of life and learning,
Let us remember that as many hands build a house,
so many hearts make a school.



Ceci est notre école,

Faîtes qu’ ici règne la paix,

Faîtes que les classes soient remplies de bonheur,

Faîtes que l’ amour nous entoure, 

Aimons-nous les uns les autres,

Aimons les gens, la vie et l’ apprentissage,

Rappelons-nous que tout comme plusieurs mains bâtissent une maison,

Autant de coeurs fondent une école. 

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